Monday, February 6, 2012

Thank you for clicking!

I enjoy clicks! :D Thank you for clicking! So very, very, very much. You know why? Because it means people care! And can spread the word to join me in the trip to saving Truffles.

This click brings me one step closer to my goals of having lots and lots of clicks! More clicks means more love! More love means more art, and more art means more clicks! YAY!

In all seriousness, thank you for clicking that link. :3 I'm trying to turn DA views into blog views so I can one day transport my pony, Truffles, to come live with me in Tucson to be trained. If she's not then I'll only be able to stand by and watch her become a two year old broodmare. I'm desperately trying to raise the funds to bring her with me, so I thought 'why not, if people see then they might care to help.'

Truffles is a Silver Black Dapple Tobiano Splash Shetland Quarter cross that was born summer of 2010. I've been working with her since last summer but have maxed out the level of training I can possibly provide her on my own. Soon I will be moving to Tucson where I have the possibility of enrolling her in professional training so that one day she can be a driving pony.

If I cannot move her to Tucson with me I will be forced to give up her lease and let her become a brood mare. While Truffles is a smart, pretty, horse I believe that horses are already over bred and suffering because of it. I would like very much to avoid adding another foal to the already crowded market. Specially at her young age. At this point in time I am doing everything possible to raise the funds quickly, as my deadline is this fall. I'm confident that somehow I will pull through, but every click to this blog helps me get her to Tucson all that much faster.

I will continue to update this blog with Pictures of Truffles every time I get a chance to see her. She's gotten so fluffy with her winter coat it's hard to believe the yearling in the first picture is the same pony as shown in the second and third picture!

If you'd like to do more than watch my blog can donate to my paypal account directly. I need about 1,000$ dollars to buy her flat out and ship her.

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